Pregnancy & Birth

This Positive Birth Program is a game changer. It will prepare you with knowledge about the birth process, tools to stay positive and calm throughout labor, how to utilize a good support system to help you to feel safe and how you can prepare your mind and body so that birthing your baby is an empowering experience.
Why choose THIS positive birth program? This is not just about knowledge or planning for what to expect. This is about supporting you and your partner to have easy to use tools that support your mind and body to experience safety. When we feel safe mentally, physically and relationally, our body is able to do what it is designed to do, BIRTH.
The ‘hypno’ part of ‘hypnobirthing’ refers to the hypnotherapy techniques we use to let go of fears and condition ourselves to release endorphins during our birth. By using hypnotherapy, you will be in the driver’s seat, experiencing the birth of your baby as calm and relaxed. This also reduces the likelihood of interventions being required. There are a range of other tools that I will teach in this program to support you to feel safe and calm including breathing techniques, relaxation, affirmations, visualizations, movement, massage, touch and acupressure.
As knowledge is power, I will provide you with the knowledge you will need to make informed decisions about your body and baby so that you feel safe, seen, and heard. Your partners role is important, and we will explore how they can assist you during labor and birth. Investing in quality birth education will pave the way for a positive birth experience and set the tone as you begin your parenting journey. Please contact me for further information.

This Positive Birth Program is a game changer. It will prepare you with knowledge about the birth process, tools to stay positive and calm throughout labor, how to utilize a good support system to help you to feel safe and how you can prepare your mind and body so that birthing your baby is an empowering experience.

Why choose THIS positive birth program? This is not just about knowledge or planning for what to expect. This is about supporting you and your partner to have easy to use tools that support your mind and body to experience safety. When we feel safe mentally, physically and relationally, our body is able to do what it is designed to do, BIRTH.
The ‘hypno’ part of ‘hypnobirthing’ refers to the hypnotherapy techniques we use to let go of fears and condition ourselves to release endorphins during our birth. By using hypnotherapy, you will be in the driver’s seat, experiencing the birth of your baby as calm and relaxed. This also reduces the likelihood of interventions being required. There are a range of other tools that I will teach in this program to support you to feel safe and calm including breathing techniques, relaxation, affirmations, visualizations, movement, massage, touch and acupressure.
As knowledge is power, I will provide you with the knowledge you will need to make informed decisions about your body and baby so that you feel safe, seen, and heard. Your partners role is important, and we will explore how they can assist you during labor and birth. Investing in quality birth education will pave the way for a positive birth experience and set the tone as you begin your parenting journey. Please contact me for further information.

Group Course
Duration: 12 hours
Location: St Clair area.
You will receive:
Booklet for class
Self-hypnosis and relaxation mp3 tracks for pregnancy and birth
‘The Little Book of Hypnobirthing’ eBook
Access to further information,
articles, birth videos, and pdf downloads.
Discounted extras
Morning, lunch & afternoon
Cost: $550
Private Course
Duration: 12 hours
Location: Face to Face in the
comfort of your own home or
You will receive:
Booklet for class
Self-hypnosis and relaxation mp3 tracks for pregnancy and birth
‘The Little Book of Hypnobirthing’ eBook
Access to further information,
articles, birth videos, and pdf downloads.
Discounted extras
Cost: $850
Refresher Course (Private)
Duration: 3 hours
Location: St Clair area.
You will receive:
Booklet for class
Self-hypnosis and relaxation mp3 tracks for pregnancy and birth
‘The Little Book of Hypnobirthing’ eBook
Access to further information,
articles, birth videos, and pdf downloads.
Discounted extras